GDS is a Pennsylvania Labor and Industry Lead Abatement Certified Firm and an EPA Lead-Safe Certified Firm. As a Pennsylvania State Certified Lead Abatement Contractor, we can repair all lead hazards found during testing.
There is no safe level of lead.
Treatments may include:
repairing and repainting lead-hazardous surfaces
Window repair or replacement
Enclosing exterior trim and components
Door repair or replacement.
Lead is especially dangerous to children under 6 because of their tendency to put their hands and other objects in their mouths. Babies and children can be exposed to lead from ingesting lead-paint dust or soil, or from food or water containing lead. Lead dust is often invisible to the naked eye. There is no safe level of lead. Even low levels of lead in the blood of children can result in:
Behavior and learning problems
Lower IQ and hyperactivity
Hearing Problems
Lead can also slow the growth of the fetus and cause premature birth for pregnant women.
Lead Hazard Control can include abatement and/or interim-control techniques. Any renovation activities involving the potential disturbance of the lead based paint components shall be performed using properly trained lead workers and control methods listed in accordance with the HUD Guidelines for the Evaluation an Control of Lead-Based Paint Hazards in Housing, EPA RRP Rule and the OSHA Construction Standard for Lead.
Abatement and Interim Control Methods Examples: Replacement, Paint Removal, Encapsulation, Soil Abatement, Paint Film Stabilization, Friction and Impact Surface Treatments, Dust Removal and Control
Floors, Window Sills and Troughs: It is recommended that all floors, window sills and troughs throughout the house be cleaned appropriately after the lead work is complete. Carpeted floors should be HEPA vacuumed. Smooth cleanable surfaces should be HEPA vacuumed and wet wiped. Porous surfaces may need to be sealed with an appropriate sealant to create a smooth, cleanable surface that can be HEPA vacuumed and wet wiped
Tree Removal
While trees are generally an attractive feature of home landscaping, they can create problems for buildings and present dangerous situations. GDS can remove a tree or cut away its branches to minimize or eliminate risks associated with trees.
* Overtime, it is natural for trees to fail; they die or become damaged, and sometimes fall. Whether naturally or due to sudden weather conditions, tree removal or trimming becomes necessary.
* When storms strike, they can damage structures and take down power lines, but more often they damage the trees in our “urban forest”. Severe damage to trees such as large broken limbs and splitting of the trunk can occur. These damages can create potentially hazardous conditions for the buildings on the property. GDS removes damaged and dead trees before they cause more damage.
* Hanging limbs and broken branches can potentially fall at any time, literally with the next breeze. Low hanging branches should be trimmed to a minimum of 8’ above ground level if present in a walkway.
* It is a generally accepted practice to trim around foundations, fences, and other construction. Hedges, shrubs, and trees should be cut back at least 18” from roofs and walls and 6” back from walkways.
* Moss and Mildew love a moist climate. When they are found growing on a roof, it indicates a moisture problem. Roof moisture can be caused by branches preventing sunlight to dry the roof. Leaves, twigs, or other debris that collect on roofs also hold moisture. The first step to a dry, moss-free roof is to cut away branches that overhang the roof and block sunlight. The same is true for wooden decks. Thinning of tree tops can open the space for better ventilation which will aid the drying process.
Landscaping and Lawn
Oftentimes, some parts of property get overgrown and out of control. GDS can tackle that and leave your property with a pleasant curb appeal. GDS will cut grass from property line to property line; edge all paved walkways, curbs, and driveways; trim around foundations, fences, and other construction. GDS always trims hedges, shrubs, and trees to the best-practice standards: (18” off the roofs and walls; 6” from walkways). In addition, GDS assures to trim all low-hanging branches to a minimum of 8’ above ground level if present in walkways.
Whether clients want to improve the marketability of their asset or need ongoing lawn maintenance, GDS offers personalized landscaping package options to meet clients’ desires. Packages can include installing weed barriers, adding mulch, planting shrubs and flowers, and making general curb appeal tweaks. Ongoing lawn maintenance schedules can be established weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly depending on seasonal needs.
Handyman Chores: Renovation, Repair, Painting
GDS offers solutions for keeping personal homes and investment properties operational. Certain care is needed to keep any home running smoothly. A key to effective and profitable operations of any rental or vacant property is the careful handling of repairs, renovations, as well as regular maintenance. We can take care and repair certain interior and exterior needs of your house.
* Hang drywall.
* Install toilets and make minor plumbing repairs
* Replace doors.
* Replace light fixtures replacement.
* Clear debris.
* Install or repair and/or clean out gutters.